Tuesday 31 August 2010

Eye Exercises for Computer Users

The goal of eye exercises is to improve the strength of the muscles around, and the tiny ones within, the eyes. Depending on your current visual problems, you may begin to notice results very quickly. It may take several months to reach your goal, but, as with any other exercise plan, if you stick with it, you will be successful.

Here you can learn about just one aspect of a complete training program: how to avoid "computer vision syndrome".

     Computer vision syndrome affects more than half of all regular computer users. The symptoms include headache, neck and shoulder pain, as well as blurred, tired, dry, aching, burning eyes. There are several things that you need to do to end the syndrome and relieve the symptoms.

       First, be sure that the placement of your computer screen is directly in front of you and just below your natural line of vision. Second, be sure that your chair is positioned so that your feet are firmly on the floor and your back is straight. Your posture affects blood circulation, which in turn affects vision.

     There are specific eye exercises that help correct the syndrome. These should be done every ten minutes, but they are very simple. If you wear glasses, take them off. Find a point that is at least ten feet away from your seat and look at it for 10 seconds. Count one...one thousand...two...one thousand, up to ten. Then return your focus to the screen.

     Every thirty minutes, stand up, stretch and close your eyes for a few seconds. If your eyes are feeling particularly tired, cup your hands and place them over your eyes, without putting any pressure on them. Take 5 full deep breaths.

    Other eye exercises that help include varying your focal points. Place something small on your desk and look at it for a few seconds. Then look at something in the distance for several seconds.

    When you are constantly focused on your computer screen, the cilary body inside the eye becomes stressed and stiff, just as your leg muscles become stiff after hours of sitting. Looking at distance allows the cilary muscle to stretch and relax.

    Switching focus from long distance to close up and back exercises the muscle. If you do this regularly, it will eventually become stronger and your vision, both close and far, will improve. Eye exercises are simple and non time-consuming, yet they are highly beneficial.